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凱瑟琳 - 董說:"越南政府繼續折磨我的家人,拒絕解釋他們為什麼在近六個月前逮捕我的父親,以及他後來發生了什麼。我曾希望他現在能在加拿大與我們安全團聚,但我們卻不得不為他的安全而苦惱。我們甚至不知道他在哪裡。越南政府不願意回答我的問題。他們不願意回答加拿大總理和加拿大外交部長提出的問題。現在他們拒絕回答聯合國的問題。這是不可接受的,是對國際法的褻瀆。越南官員必須回答我們簡單的問題,'董廣平在哪裡'? "

中國人權捍衛者董廣平於 2022 年 8 月 24 日在河內被越南警察逮捕,當時他正在等待以難民身份被重新安置到加拿大,在與家人分離近七年後,他本應該在加拿大與家人團聚。但從 8 月 24 日那時起,就沒有關於他的命運和下落的任何消息了。近六個月後,他的家人和支持者擔心他可能被非法移交給中國當局,並可能被囚禁在中國的某個地方,被單獨監禁。

2022 年 12 月 15 日,聯合國人權系統內的三位特別程序任務負責人向越南政府發出一份內容切實具體的信函,概述了他們對董廣平案件的嚴重關切。這些獨立的人權專家——聯合國強迫或非自願失蹤問題工作組、聯合國人權維護者狀況特別報告員和聯合國和平集會和結社自由權利特別報告員——進行了乾預,因為有關於 "中國難民和人權維護者董廣平先生被越南當局任意拘留、強迫失蹤和即將被驅回中國的風險 "的報告。

獨立專家向越南政府提出了六個方面的問題,包括要求他們 "提供關於董廣平先生的命運和下落的詳細信息,以及當局為尋找他所採取的所有措施。"越南政府被給予 60 天的時間來答復聯合國專家,但越南政府沒有理睬這些詢問。因此,獨立專家公佈了他們給越南政府的函件,強調了作出答復的緊迫性。

聯合國強迫或非自願失蹤問題工作組也於 2022 年 12 月 1 日在給越南政府的信函中啟動了 "緊急程序"。工作組 "再次呼籲越南當局盡快採取一切必要措施,調查並開展搜尋活動,以確定董先生的命運和下落"。董廣平的家人和支持者感謝加拿大政府的支持,並繼續期待他們尋求一切可能的途徑,以確定董廣平的遭遇,並促成他與在加拿大多倫多的家人團聚。


- 関卓中,多倫多中國民運會

+1 416 804 1527

- 盛雪,民主中國陣線

+1 416 568 0466

- Alex Neve,渥太華大學公共和國際事務研究生院高級研究員

+1 613 852 3927

Government of Vietnam Must Respond to UN Human Rights Experts

Reacting to news that the government of Vietnam has failed to respond to urgent questions from three independent United Nations experts seeking clarification about the fate and whereabouts of her father, disappeared Chinese human rights defender Dong Guangping, Katherine Dong said that, “The government of Vietnam continues to torment my family, by refusing to explain why they arrested my father almost six months ago, and what has happened to him since. I had hoped he would be safely reunited with us here in Canada by now, instead we are left to agonize about his safety. We don’t even know where he is. They won’t answer my questions. They won’t answer questions posed by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada.

Now they refuse to answer the United Nations. This is unacceptable and an affront to international law. Vietnamese officials must answer our simple question, ‘where is Dong Guangping?’”

Chinese human rights defender Dong Guangping was arrested in Hanoi by Vietnamese security forces on August 24, 2022, while he was awaiting resettlement to Canada as a refugee, where he was to be reunited with his family after nearly seven years of separation. There has been no news of his fate or whereabouts since that time. Close to six months later, his family and supporters are concerned that he may have been unlawfully handed over to Chinese officials and may be imprisoned somewhere in China, held in incommunicado detention.

On December 15, 2022, three Special Procedures mandate holders within the UN human rights system sent an extensive communication to the government of Vietnam, outlining their serious concerns about Dong Guangping’s case. These independent human rights experts – the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, and the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association –intervened because of concerning reports regarding the “arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance and imminent risk of refoulement to China by the Vietnamese authorities of Chinese refugee and human rights defender Mr. Dong Guangping.”

The independent experts lay out six comprehensive questions directed to the Vietnamese government, including that they “provide detailed information on the fate and whereabouts of Mr. Dong Guangping and all the measures taken by the authorities to search for him. “The Vietnamese government was given sixty days to respond to the United Nations experts but failed to do so. The independent experts have, therefore, publicized their communication to the Vietnamese government, reinforcing the urgent need for a response.

The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance had also initiated its “urgent procedure” in a communication to the Vietnamese government on December 1, 2022. The Working Group has “reiterate[ed] the call on the Vietnamese authorities to take all necessary measures as soon as possible to investigate and conduct search activities to ascertain Mr. Dong’s fate and whereabouts.” Dong Guangping’s family and supporters appreciate the support shown by the Canadian government and continue to look to them to pursue all possible avenues to ascertain what has happened to Dong Guangping and facilitate his reunion with his family in Toronto.


For further information or to arrange interviews:

• Cheuk Kwan, Toronto Association for Democracy in China

+1 416 804 1527

• Sheng Xue, Federation for a Democratic China

+1 416 568 0466

• Alex Neve, Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of


+1 613 852 3927
